If you think that an aspect of our operations does not comply with the National Privacy Principles, then you may make a complaint to us.
You may contact us by email to or by mail to PO Box 569 North Adelaide SA 5006.
In your communication with us you should provide:
Your full name
Your postal and/or email address.
Your daytime and mobile telephone numbers if you are agreeable to us contacting you by telephone in connection with your complaint
Details of the entry that you think does not comply with the National Privacy Principles and in what way
Details of the action you think should be taken in respect of that entry.
You should also be prepared, if the entry relates to you and if requested, to provide us with certified copies of documents which will prove your identity (such as a passport or driver's licence) and which show that the entry does not comply with the National Privacy Principles. A certified copy of a document is a photocopy with a statement on it from a Justice of the Peace, Solicitor or Notary Public that he or she has seen the original and that the copy is true to the original. The person certifying the copies should also print his or her full name and business address on them.
After receiving such information and documents, and any further details that may be requested, our Privacy Complaints staff will evaluate the matter and, if considered advisable, make further enquiries. If appropriate they will invite you to comment on anything learned during those enquiries. All complaints will be supervised, and all final decisions on them will be made by a qualified and experienced lawyer.
If the entry is found in due course not to comply with the National Privacy Principles appropriate corrective action will be taken. In any event you will be informed of the outcome and the reasons and have the opportunity to comment on it.
Where a person is dissatisfied with our handling of or decision in relation to a privacy complaint we will, if requested, provide that individual with information on how to take the complaint to the Privacy Commissioner and will provide full assistance to the Privacy Commissioner in investigating any complaint.